
Life insurance is more than just paying premiums to an insurance company and the payment of a death benefit to your beneficiaries. It can also be used to achieve different financial goals. It can help your loved ones and also your retirement dreams. A life insurance policy’s death benefit may help your surviving spouse maintain his or her standard of living, and any cash value that a permanent policy accumulates can help to supplement your retirement income. Learn more about Term Insurance, Universal Life, and Whole Life insurance.

Disability coverage replaces a portion of your salary if you become disabled during your working years. It also helps protect you if you’re forced to retire early because of illness. With this protection, you can avoid tapping your retirement savings to pay for everyday expenses. Learn more about Disability Insurance.

Critical illness insurance is there for you while you’re living. A unique product, it provides you with a lump-sum payment to help with the cost of recovery should you become critically ill during the term of the policy. Learn more about Critical Illness Insurance.